Creative Teaching and Learning

Myths and Legends Literacy Project Plans

A series of Literacy project plans to support the teaching of the Myths and Legends topic. Projects include: Analysing traditional stories and Mythical storyboarding. (20 Page Download)

Literacy Project 1 – Analysing traditional stories (Key Stage 1)
Aims of the lesson: To look at traditional stories and develop an understanding of
common elements within traditional stories.

Literacy Project 2 – Herculean Literacy (Key Stage 2+)
Aims of the lesson: To look at the common features in myths and compare Disney’s Hercules with the traditional myth of Heracles.

Literacy Project 3 – Mythical Storyboarding (Key Stage 2)
Aims of the lesson: To plan and storyboard a myth.

Literacy Project 4 – The Legend of King Arthur (Key Stage 2)
Aims of the lesson: To find out about the legend of King Arthur, understand the differences between myths and legends and extend some sentences.

Literacy Project 5 – Arthurian adjectives (Key Stage 2)
Aims of the lesson: To develop an understanding of, and use, adjectives within the theme of King Arthur.


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