
The Learning Ecosystems Framework

This report provides a diagnostic tool for understanding the strengths of different environments – the school, the home, and the wider community – that together contribute to young people’s learning and wellbeing.

This report, commissioned by the Jacobs Foundation, offers a tool to understand the enabling factors of effective learning ecosystems that can provide opportunities to benefit children’s learning and wellbeing. The framework has been applied to 20 countries covering almost 50% of the world’s children. The research aims to encourage policymakers to consider education beyond the classroom.

Although a majority of teachers across 20 countries included in this study (70%) feel encouraged to personalise instruction to the diverse individual needs of students, just half report they have adequate time to spend with each child.

This creates a risk for student motivation, as the research also shows that students in countries where teachers have more time for one-on-one interactions are among the most likely to report that they tried hard in school.

The framework provides a diagnostic tool for understanding the strengths of different environments – the school, the home, and the wider community – that together contribute to young people’s learning and wellbeing.

Consisting of almost 200 indicators and sub-indicators, identified based on interviews with over 20 experts, and a review of more than 70 sources of literature, it assesses the key factors that enable learning ecosystems to develop and thrive. It offers countries a way to measure how their own learning ecosystems are performing – and how to develop them further.

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