
The Impact of eLearning: An Insight Into Learning New Skills Online

Of the top 5 eLearning courses, people and communication skills (13 per cent) sits high followed by leadership (11 per cent) showing that interpersonal communication are dominant areas the nation wishes to be better equipped.

This research by EdTech company, Go1, suggests that schools should adapt the curriculum to teach students the skills that are going to help them in real life. The eLearning research highlights the current state of reskilling in the UK and how learning new skills can change people’s lives.

The report shows that nearly half (45 per cent) of Brits are taking additional steps to upskill in the hope of changing career. Whilst high amongst those aged 25 to 44, the report also found one in five workers over the age of 55 are considering a career change too, showing the scale of the resignation isn’t just impacting the young.

A record number of Brits launched businesses in 2021. Data from Companies House shows 810,316 new businesses were incorporated, an increase of 21 per cent. A third of Brits (32 per cent) undertook training to launch their own company, suggesting this trend is showing no signs of abating and could lead to a new generation of British entrepreneurs.

Mental health and work/life balance continue to be an important topic of conversation for employers and employees across the country. The report shows half (50 per cent) of Brits have experienced better mental health as a result of learning a new skill. Soft skills dominate also, with 50 per cent of learners taking a course in topics such as people skills, listening skills and empathy. What’s more, nearly two thirds (64 per cent) wish soft skills were taught in schools, showing a significant gap in education that is being carried through into the workplace.

Of the top 5 eLearning courses, people and communication skills (13 per cent) sits high followed by leadership (11 per cent) showing that interpersonal communication are dominant areas the nation wishes to be better equipped.

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