
Effective Approaches to Assessment That Improve Teaching and Learning

This report looks at how schools are working to develop assessment that is an ongoing process indistinguishable from teaching and learning and an essential and natural part of the teaching process and not an additional ‘bolt-on’.

This Estyn report focuses on how maintained primary, secondary, all-age and special schools are developing effective approaches to assessment that improve teaching and learning.

The report looks at how schools are working to develop assessment that is an ongoing process indistinguishable from teaching and learning and an essential and natural part of the teaching process and not an additional ‘bolt-on’.

It focuses on some of the ways that schools are planning effective approaches and practices for formative assessment
when designing their curriculum and considers some of the ways that schools are using assessment to refine and improve teaching.

It found that effective schools successfully create a culture of learning between pupils and teachers. Then identifies how good schools engage pupils fully in the assessment process and develop their effectiveness in evaluating and improving their own and others’ learning.

The report draws on evidence from visits to a selection of primary, secondary, all- age and special schools across Wales, including those delivering education primarily through the medium of Welsh.

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