
Childcare Survey 2023

Figures show it is the most disadvantaged children at risk of missing out on childcare, with less than one in five local authorities reporting sufficient childcare for children with disabilities

This report by Coram Family and Childcare reveals a sharp drop in childcare availability across England over the past year, with only half of local areas reporting sufficient childcare for children under two, a decrease of 7% on 2022, and under half (48%) reporting enough childcare for parents working full-time, a decrease of 11% on last year.

The report also finds that the cost of childcare across Great Britain has continued to rise steadily, at a time when parents are already struggling to meet costs. A part-time place (25 hours a week) for a child under two now costs an average of £148.63 per week, an annual increase of 5.6%.

The figures show it is the most disadvantaged children at risk of missing out, with less than one in five (18%) local authorities reporting sufficient childcare for children with disabilities, a 3% decrease on 2022. In addition, 43% of local authorities report that some or many of their local childcare providers have reduced the number of funded early education entitlement places they can provide, and there has been a 6% drop in the proportion of local areas who have enough places for the universal 15-hour early education entitlement for three- and four-year-olds. These places are vital in narrowing the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and their peers, and there is concern they will miss out on this vital boost to their outcomes.

There are significant differences in the cost and availability of childcare depending on where you live across England. The average weekly cost of a part-time place for a child under two is 54% higher in inner London (£199.01) than in Yorkshire and Humberside (£129.32). In outer London, just 28% of local authorities report having enough childcare for children under two, whilst the figure is 100% for the North East.

The report also highlights how the cost-of-living crisis is impacting childcare providers and the steps they are being forced to take that may further decrease the availability and affordability of childcare for families. Over the past year, 48% of local authorities say that some or many providers have had to reduce staff numbers and 44% have reduced their opening hours.

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