Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is taking the world by storm and is no longer in the realm of science-fiction.

Virtual reality promises to place users in virtual environments that seem as real as the one we live in. This is a great improvement over the flat 2D screens we all have become accustomed to.

By taking advantage of the benefits offered by virtual reality, students and teachers can create an immersive experience that facilitates new ways of learning. In order to benefit from this, educators will need tailor fit lesson plans, designed with virtual reality in mind, which incorporate new technologies such as VR headsets and hand-held remote controls.

Whether you are an individual that is interested in learning about virtual reality, or you are a teacher considering VR as a new teaching tool for your classroom, we hope this article provides information and guidance on what Virtual Reality (VR) is, how it can be used today, and future VR trends.